תקציר המאמרים באנגלית
Table of Contents
Ahavat Torah (poem) / Rav Avraham Yitzhak Hakohen Kook ZTL 4
Commentary on the Book of Yonah / Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch ZTL 5
Removal of Environmental Hazards / Dr. Yesha`ayahu Bar`or 25
More about the Sin of David and Bathsheva / Rav Moshe Ganz 35
The Blessing `Matziv Gvoul Almana` on houses of the wicked / Rav Meir Barely 39
More about the Kashrut of the Muscovy Duck / Prof. Zohar Amar and Rav Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky 47
Paradox and Anti paradox in an Halachic Decision / Rav Dr. Michael Avraham 56
Explanations of Different Nusachs (formulas) in Mousaf of Shabbat / Rav Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer 61
Combs made from Rams` Horns for the Removal of Nits / Rav Yaakov Yisrael Stal 69
`The Glory of Yisrael has left us` - Tears on the Passing of the Rishon Letzion, Rav Mordechay Eliyahu ZTL / Rav Amichai Kinarti 80
Eulogy at the Funeral of my father and Teacher, Rav Yehuda Amital ZTL / Rav Yoel Amital 83
Eulogy for Rav Amital ZTL in Har Etzion Yeshiva / Rav Meir Schlesinger 87 About Books and Authors
About `Sefer HaGerushin` / Rav Dr. Itamar Warhaftig 91
About The new edition of `Sefer HaTruma` / Rav Yoel Friedman 96
Deciphering Pshat and La`az Words in The Rashbam Commentary / Avraham Meir Glanzer 101
Editorial Review of recent Torani Publications / Rav Yoel Catane 104
Rav Avraham Yitzhak Hakohen Kook ZTL: Ahavat Torah
This issue opens with an heretofore unpublished poem, written by Rav A.I. Hakohen Kook ZTL in his youth. It is a love song to the holy Torah, found among other manuscripts in the archives of his late nephew, Rav Raphael Kook ZTL of Tveria, and now in the possession of his son, Rav Simcha Kook Shlita of Rehovot. We present it here in commemoration of Rav Kook`s 75th Yahrzeit. More works from these archives will soon be published under the authority of Rav Simcha Kook.
Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch ZTL: Commentary on the Book of Yonah
We also present for the first time a commentary on Sefer Yonah by Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch ZTL, which was copied from a manuscript, written by one of his disciples, and found in the manuscripts department of the National Library in Yerushalayim. This is a Hebrew summary of lessons given by Rav Hirsch probably in German. Dr. Shimon Bollag copied the manuscript, and provides us with comments, important additions and a short introduction. He includes parallel explanations from the commentary of the author's son, Dr. Mendel Hirsch ZTL, on the Haftarot.
Dr. Yesha`ayahu Bar`or: Removal of Environmental Hazards
Dr. Yesha'ayahu Bar'or, Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Environment and a resident of
Rav Moshe Ganz: More about the Sin of David and Bathsheva
There is great reluctance to imply that David, the founder of Jewish Royal dynasty and the author of Psalms, committed adultery with Batsheva. This is not just an emotional approach, but it is based on verses and upon views of Chazal. The notion that each soldier in David`s armies wrote a Get to his wife before going to war, may solve the issue of Batsheva`s adultery, but does not eradicate the distasteful aspect of this episode. Rav Nebenzahl Shlita, in his Sichot on Sefer Bereshit, writes that it was an `Avera Lishma`, because David knew that Batsheva was destined to be his wife. Rav Ganz, a senior Ram in Yeshivat Sha'alvim, writes that this answer does not resolve the problem, and that Chazal only meant to say that Shlomo was worthy of royalty, despite the problems involved in David and Batsheva`s relationship. Rav Ganz opines that according to the Midrash, David indeed failed this test of faith, but did "real Tshuva" and subsequently resisted further temptations. He is referred to as a Tzadik - but not to the same degree as the three forefathers.
Rav Meir Barely: The Blessing `Matziv Gvoul Almana` on houses of the wicked
Rav Meir Bareli, Ram in Yeshivat Sderot, discusses the Takana of Anshey Kneset Hagedola that one who sees newly established homes of Jews should say the Bracha "Matziv Gvul Almana". The Poskim disagree on whether this Bracha has to be said on all new houses, or only on synagogues. It must be determined whether the opinion is to bless on all houses belonging to Jews, including the homes of the wicked too? It is quoted In the name of the Ponovezer Rav that one should say the Bracha on new houses of the wicked, as well, and there are, indeed, some stories that support this opinion. According to some Poskim, however, one is to refrain from doing so. According to the opinion that this Bracha is said only in Eretz Yisrael, it would seem that it is possible to make a blessing on the houses of the wicked, as well, because the Mitzva of Yishuv Ha`aretz is fulfilled also by the "wicked".
Prof. Zohar Amar and Rav Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky: More about the Kashrut of the Muscovy Duck
In light of the recent debate surrounding the kashrut of the muscovy duck, Prof. Amar and Rav Dr. Zivotofsky present an accurate history and the true characteristics of the non-predatory muscovy. The identification of kosher birds is a complex issue that relies on both tradition and ruling out that the bird is a predator (`Dores`). The Muscovy Duck (Cairina moschata) is a New World bird that is similar to the
Rav Dr. Michael Avraham: Paradox and Anti paradox in an Halachic Decision
In this article, Rav Dr. Michael Avraham, from the Kolel of Bar Ilan University, discusses the examples of problems in Halachik decisions, known in logical terms as Paradox and Anti-Paradox. The first refers to a statement whose truths cannot be defined, while the second refers to a statement which contains more than one truth. In the latter case (Anti-Paradox) the solution comes with the involvement of a Bat Kol, while in the case of the Paradox the decision is left in the hands of the sages of Halacha themselves, without reference to the logical aspect of the problem.
Rav Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer: Explanations of Different Nusachs in Mousaf of Shabbat
Rav Bechhofer, an alumnus of Yeshivat Sha'alvim and now rav in the
Rav Yaakov Yisrael Stal: Combs made from Rams` Horns for the Removal of Nits
According to Chazal, Hashem cares for all creatures on earth, `from the horns of rams to nits`. This prompted Rav Yehuda Hachasid to conclude that there is an allusion to the use of combs made from horns to remove nits from the head. The author of this article, Rav Stal, Talmid Chacham and scholar from Yerushalayim, provides numerous sacred and secular sources, and paints a vivid picture of human life from the time of the Rishonim, and it`s reflection in the sacred and secular literature of the period.
Rav Kinarti, a graduate of Yeshivat Sha`alvim and Ram in the Yeshiva of Itamar, Shomron, eulogizes Rav Mordechay Eliyahou ZTL, whom we miss so sorely.
We present here the Hesped of Rav Yoel Amital Shlita, Ram In Yeshivat Sha`alvim, at the funeral of his late father, Rav Yehuda Amital ZTL, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion, and that of Rav Meir Schlesinger, founder and former Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Sha`alvim, for his close friend, Rav Amital, which was delivered on the last day of the Shiv`a in Yeshivat Har Etzion.
About Books and Authors
Three books are reviewed in this issue: a new Geonic book about the Halachot of divorce, reviewed by Rav Dr. Itamar Warhaftig, a Talmid Chacham and jurist from Bar Ilan University; a new edition of the famous book `Sefer Hatruma` of Rav Baruch, one of the Tosafists, reviewed by Rav Yoel Friedman of Machon Hatorah Vehaaretz; and a new edition of Rashbam commentary on the Torah, reviewed by Rav Avraham Meir Glanzer from Antwerp, Belgium. Rav Friedman congratulates Rav David Avraham on his new edition of Sefer Hatruma, but presents two criticisms: 1. Rav Avraham chose to reprint the text of the printed editions with corrections from MS Vatican 145, instead of basing the text on one of the earlier and more accurate manuscripts. 2. Rav Avraham wrote extensive notes, referring to the entire world of Halacha, rather than concentrating on the Tosafists` opinions.
The issue concludes with a review of recent Judaica received by
HAMA'YAN Editorial Board wishes its subscribers, readers and all "Am Yisrael", a good year blessed with Parnasa, redemption, the love of Torah and Yirat Shamayim. כתיבה וחתימה טובה