HaMa’yan 238 Table of Contents
HaMa’yan 238 Table of Contents
‘Rabbi Akiva was laughing’ / The Editor……................................................................................3
Responsum of the Eminent Rav Aharon Kotler ZTL in the Matter of
Shemittah in the Mahane Israel Settlement / Moshe Ariel Fuss………………………..4
The Innovative Approach of Rav Jonathan Sacks ZTL to the Question of
Evil in the World / Rav Natan Kotler……………………………………......................8
Yahrzeit Customs Beyond Fifty Years After One's Passing / Rav Ori Samet……………….…..15
Clarifications in the Matter of Responsibility of the Misled in ‘Misleading’
the Misleader [Lifnei Iver al Lifnei Iver] / Rav Rephael Swed………………………..25
The Order of the Chapters of the Daily Psalm [Shir shel Yom] /
Shemuel Cohen………………………………………………………………………...31
The Metheg [Stress Mark] in the Prayer Book of Rav Ezriel and His Son
Elijah of Vilna, and Refutations of the Claims of Rav Zalman Hanau
Against Them / Rav Yonatan Karni…………………………………………………..35
The ‘Linked’ Torah / Yonatan Rabinowitz……………………....................................................41
Halakha and Contemporary Challenges
Considerations and Preferences in Questions of 'Statistical Mortality' /
Rav Oz Bluman……………………………………………………............................60
Dismissing an Employee Who Declines to Be Inoculated Against Corona /
Rav David Brizel……………………………………………......................................69
Thinking on Contemporary Challenges
Is It Permissible to Travel to the Moon? / Rav Nahum Eliezer
Rabinovitch ZTL…………………………………………………………………….80
Reflections in the Wake of the Disaster in Meron on Lag BaOmer 5781
[2021] / Rav Shlomo Daichovsky…………………………………………………..83
"We Shall Establish Yeshivot in Every Place"? – Points to Consider /
Rav Boaz Greenwood……………………………………………….........................93
Responses and Comments
The Influence of ‘Rav Kook’s Lecture’ in the Establishment of the Talmudic Encyclopedia –
Reaction / Rav Prof. Neria Gutel, Rav Uri Redman; Further on the Torah Reading in the Yearly
Cycle: Prof. Jordan Penkower, Rav Chaim Asher Berman, Rahamim Sar Shalom; Was
Nachmanides a Descendant of Rav Isaac ben Reuven Albargeloni? / Adiel Breuer, Rav Prof.
Oded Yisraeli; Profaning Gd’s Name or ‘Profaning Gd’? / Yehoshua Baharav………………98
Received by the Editorial Board / Rav Yoel Catane……………………..................................107
Listing of Articles in Volume 61 [5781]………………………………………………………132