תקציר המאמרים באנגלית
Table of Contents
"Between Paran and Tophel" / The Editor 2
"A bridegroom of blood by the circumcising": An Unpublished Wedding Sermon
by Rav Jacob Gavison / Rav Moshe Shochat 3
David, Naval and Avigail – A Study in I Samuel 25 / Rav Yaakov Ariel 17
The Attitude of Leading Rabbis towards Releasing Terrorists to Save Entebbe Hostages /
Rav Uriel Banner 23
Mutual Responsibility in Halakha – Two Approaches and their Implications /
Rav Mordechai Catane 36
Maimonides' Approach to Temporarily Leaving Israel / Yitzchak Henschke 45
Responses and Comments
More on the Permissibility of 'Lifting of the Hands' to Confer Blessing by a Kohen Whose Arm is Tattooed / Rav Yaakov Epstein, R' Zvi Ryzman 57
"I will command my blessing" Miderabanan and the Tractors Battle 5726 (1966) /
Moshe Oren 62
"I will command my blessing on you in the sixth year" 5774 (2014) – in Practice /
Elhanan Emanuel 64
Our Master the Ra'aya [Rav Avraham Yitzchak haCohen Kook z.t.l.] and Biblical Criticism
at The Hebrew University / Rav Yosef Haim Haberman 65
On Books and their Authors
A New Edition of the Works of the Maharal: The Berkowitz Edition of 5775 /
Rav Eli Gurfinkel 66
Was There Indeed 'Censorship' in the Writings of Rav Kook's Students? /
Rav Dr. Yitzchak Avi Roness 79
About the book VehaSneh Einenu Ukhal [And the Bush was not Consumed] /
Rav Yoel Friedman 92
'Hanokh, Stitcher of Footwear': The Righteousness of the Righteous – On Remarks Attributed
to Rav Israel Salanter in the Work Mikhtav meEliahu / Rav Yosef haLevi Schischa 97
On the Work Tekufat haBayit haSheni [Second Temple Era] and Its Suitability
for Religious Education / Rav Yoel Catane 100
Editorial review of Recent Torani Publications / Rav Yoel Catane 103
Listing of Articles in Volume 56 [5776], 1-4, Issues 215-218 116
Survey of this Issue
Welcome to the Tammuz Issue of HaMa'ayan, the last of 5776. As usual, the issue is replete with material: a wedding sermon by a sephardic sage from the well-known Gavison family, apparently from the era of the Spanish Expulsion; an additional study of the episode of David, Naval [Nabal] of Carmel and Avigail by Rav Yaakov Ariel, Chief Rabbi of Ramat Gan; on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of Operation Entebbe, a historical and halakhic examination of the background of the operation, and of the actual possibility which existed at the time of acceding to the hijackers' demands and releasing hundreds of terrorists - with the agreement of important rabbinic leaders from all sectors of observant society, synopses of whose opinions are set out in the article – although not at any price. Further on, my son Rav Mordechai clarifies the various approaches to mutual responsibility among the Jewish people, and Yitzchak Henschke of Psagot attempts to prove, from a comparison of the prohibition to leave the Land of Israel addressed to the kohanim and the one addressed to all Jews, that Maimoniodes' opinion is that it is permissible to leave the Land temporarily, and the prohibition is only to leave permanently.
In the comment section, discussion continues on Zvi Ryzman's interesting article in the previous issue of whether a kohen whose hands are tattooed can ascend to bless the people in the synagogue, and two members of Kibbutz Shaalvim provide facts on the fulfillment, even in these times, of the blessing promised to those who observe the Sabbatical Year.
Five articles deal with books: a critique of the new edition of the works of the Maharal; examination of censorship in the writings of Rav Kook's students to conceal the connection between them and their teacher; Rav Friedman of the Institute for Torah and the Land of Israel surveys a new and unique work on the Shoah; Rav Schischa of London corrects a widespread error concerning remarks attributed to Rav Israel Salanter; and the editor, in addition to the section reviewing books received by the editorial board, critiques a work of history intended for religious education which however seriously undermines simple faith.
A healthy and successful year-end, and good tidings to one and all,
Yoel Catane, Editor